... Suddenly I woke up, remembered where I was, knowing everything was over, but still got this day-extra to enjoy this certain kind of freedom of being away from home... - Is this a hangover?" ....
Put on the same clothes than day before, didn´t care about the shower and walked out the room, still dizzy, still sleepy, jumping over those unknown corpses that still were lying on my room floor, ... grabbed a cold piece of bread from that usual annoying breakfast...
Me, heading the front yard. Some flashes of the last few days came to my mind, they were coming back in a form of a kaleidoskope of emotions, that wasn´t a dream, probably it was just an endorfine overdose or some shit like that, who cares anyway..
Reached the garden and there they were: - "Fuck!! they are so fucking beautifull!"....., packing their bikes, like dancing, getting ready for their long way back home.
Focussed, and saw the spaniards on the other side of that playground. Like levitating I crossed the field to meet them, but being carefull not to touch those "dancing dudes" in case they dissapear, and sit by Lalo. He is always barefoot walking- " I like it"-, and asked him: -" Does Nico knows how skating?" - "No, he is just pretending" - he babbled, while Nico still was jumping around like a possesed, faking ollies with a piece of wood, out of the blue a hand appeared with a wrench, and put it in between Lalo´s fingers, so...